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DR. JONATHAN BURNHAM IN SE ASIA 2023: Jonathan spent 3 weeks in early 2023 throughout SE Asia. Bangkok, Thailand: Training a group from 4 SE Asia countries in his Encountering Christ book, an overview of the Bible from a Christocentric theology. The group pictured below completed the 3-year training cycle of training with Dr. Burnham.…


Ministry Under Way in Central America: DR. JONATHAN BURNHAM first visited Costa Rica several years ago, developing a friendship with Dr. Sadrac Mesa, a well respected Christian leader and scholar at ESEPA seminary in San Jose, Costa Rica. Last December, Dr. Mesa invited Jonathan to hold a special 7 Steps of Christian Living training event.…

Dr. Vitaliy Sorokun Messages about the War

In July, Dr. Vitaliy Sorokun, Vice President of BMI,  had the privilege to speak at the Chapel in Akron, OH. It was a special opportunity for him to thank the church for their sacrificial support of the humanitarian relief work in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine – Vitaliy’s home region – during this war. You…

Ministry in Laos

Update from BMI SE Asia Regional Director, Dr. Joshua Ngyuen: “Teaching 7 Steps of Christians Living by Pastor Sam. He is the Outreach Director of the School Of Missions in Vientiane Captial, Laos. Pastor Sam is also a bi-vocational pastor. He is an owner of hotels in Vientiane and pastor of International Church, where the…

From Ukraine – Women’s Mentoring

Mid-2023 update from Nadia Morokhovets: Powerful explosions still rock the city of Kharkiv, and the people often receive cell phone alerts stating, “ATTENTION! Residents, the occupiers are striking! Stay in shelters!” Can you imagine living like this? Yet, despite the air raid sirens and explosions, my husband Vitaliy and I keep serving God through serving…

Encountering Christ, Part 2 in Bangkok.

Dr. Jonathan Burnham conducted an in-depth mentorship multiplication training event on March 15-18, 2023, for a group of pastors and Christian leaders from SE Asian countries. This group was meeting together for the third time to discuss how mentorship could work in their settings, to encourage one another, and to learn the Christocentric overview of…

Ukraine 2022 Update

A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM DR. VITALIY SOROKUN At 5 a.m. sharp on February 24, we woke up to the new reality – the sound of exploding rockets, destruction, and loss. Our lives were uprooted in a moment, and we have not been able to return to the old “normal.” Perhaps, we never will. After a…

South Asia 2022 Update

NEPAL AND THE NEPALI DIASPORA 2022 Rev. Sonam Kabo – BMI Regional Director for Nepal and the Nepali Diaspora Rita Kabo – BMI Women’s Director for Nepal and the Nepali Diaspora We are so thankful for the over 25 year relationship we have with Rev. Sonam and Rita Kabo. They are warm-hearted, faithful servants of…

Russia/Belarus 2022 Update

Sergey Naboychenko – BMI Regional Director for Russia Sergey Drozd – BMI Belarus Ministry Partner Ivan Kozorezov – BMI Russia Ministry Partner MENTORING RELATIONSHIPS: a key priority BMI has been involved in Russia and Belarus for many years; Russia for over 30 years! In both Russia and Belarus our partners make it a priority to…

Southeast Asia 2022 Update

Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines 2022 Update Dr. Joshua Nguyễn – Regional Director for SE Asia Dr. Joshua had the opportunity to see Dr. Minh Dang, a long-time friend of the Burnham family! BTMP/MBMP is taught in Bible schools in 4 SE Asia countries Dr. Joshua Nguyen, together with his ministry partners, has…