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Nairobi, Kenya

Jonathan Burnham trained a group of bishops of the Anglican Church of Kenya in the BMI material, 7 Steps of Christian Living. This was an exciting beginning to a 3-year cycle of training!  These leaders oversee multiple parishes. They have shared how much the ministry of mentorship and discipleship is necessary all over the country.


Nairobi, Kenya:

For a second conference, members of the African Inland Church joined the Anglicans, and they studied the Old Testament portion of Jonathan's book, Encountering Christ - Biblical Themes Focused on Christ. There are 12,000 African Inland Churches in Kenya, and over 6000 Anglican churches there!  For this group, it is the 2nd year of the 3-year cycle. It was a beautiful display of unity in the church as many of these men had never associated together before! These conferences were facilitated by Kioko Mwangangi, Ministry Partner.

Kigali, Rwanda:

From Kenya, Jonathan flew to Kigali to train leaders from Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This conference was facilitated by Pascal Ndagijimana, that region's ministry partner.

Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania:

The final stop was Tanzania. Jonathan held a training event for the leaders of the African Inland Church of Tanzania. Jonathan is good friends with Archbishop Mussa Magwasela of the African Inland Church of Tanzania, and his son, Joshua is a BMI ministry partner, who so kindly facilitated the conference.  The AIC has 4000 churches in that country! During the four days of the training the leaders explored in depth practical applications of mentorship multiplication movements. This conference was facilitated by Joshua Magwasela, Ministry Partner.

REGIONAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Vitaliy Sorokun (see Eastern Europe for update)


Each ministry Regional Director and Ministry Partner focuses on 7 Areas/Goals:

1. Foundations (living the mentorship life/ leading by example)

2. Financial Sustainability - working toward and maintaining their own financial support so not to rely on western money

3. Teaching the BMI 7 Steps of Christian Living to groups and in their mentorship settings

4. Teaching additional BMI materials including Encountering Christ, Practical training, Technology and the Family, Living with Your Emotions

5. Establishing BTMP partnerships with colleges and seminaries to incorporate in their curriculum

6. Thorough follow up on all

7. Work toward developing Mentorship Multiplication Movements in their areas


  • Dr. Kioko Mwangangi - Home base: Kenya

  • Dr. Lincoln Chirochierwa - Home base: Malawi

  • Pastor Pascal Ndagijimana - Home base: Rwanda

  • Ev. Joshua Magwesela - Home base: Tanzania


Early in 2022, Vitaliy Sorokun began to mentor four potential BMI Africa Ministry Partners: Kioko Mwangangi (Kenya), Lincoln Chirochierwa (Malawi), Pascal Ndagijimana (Rwanda), and Joshua Magwesela (Tanzania). The leaders spent much time focusing on BMI mentorship multiplication philosophy, strategic planning, and learning the BMI training materials. Towards the end of the year, each leader has launched their own mentorship movement. Between themselves, these dedicated leaders run projects in eight countries in Africa.


Dr. Kioko Mwangangi in Kenya:

Dr. Kioko has been focusing his ministry with BMI in four well-defined areas:

  1. Personal involvement in the mentorship program
  2. Developing strategic relationships with other key leaders
  3. Financial sustainability - owns and operates a farm
  4. Teach the 7 Steps of Christian Living

Here are some highlights in his words:

"In pursuant of the basic and fundamental BMI practice, I have started a mentorship programme with two middle-aged men that I have known for over 20 years, and two additional men. I chose them from many because I see the desire in each for personal growth and development. I took the four through the 7 Steps, and in January Dr. Burnham had them for the Encountering Christ I. If the Lord wills, the four will attend Encountering Christ II with Dr. Burnham in January 24-27, 2023.

New relationships with Anglican Priests:  These Anglican Priests, drawn from 6 counties across the nation, were trained the 7 Steps by Dr. Burnham and also taken through Encountering Christ I in January 2023. I was nervous about their response to the invitation and later to the material but all became a surprise. I had never had such close interaction with the Anglican leadership and thank God that all worked very well.

Teaching the 7 Steps in churches, Bible schools, and training events with an emphasis on intentional mentorship.

POKOT PASTORS: In January 2023, I trained about 100 pastors and evangelists from a pastrolist tribe called Pokot. I translated the material into Swahili only to learn later from Dr. Sorokun that a good translation had been done by the Tanzania BMI partner, Joshua Magwesela.

Africa Inland Church Tanzania - I met one of the Africa Inland Church Bishops in Turkey last year, and he invited me to one of the districts in his Diocese to train pastors and evangelists. I trained 35 leaders. I was now able to use the Tanzanian translation of the 7 Steps.

AIC Cameron Bible College - My two mentees, mentioned above, taught the 7 Steps to 23 Bible School students. They will repeat this training every May tri-semester."


Dr. Lincoln Chirochierwa - Malawi, Zambi, Zimbabwe

Lincoln Chirochierwa

Dr. Lincoln Chirochierwa is a medical physician by training, and joined BMI as the Ministry Partner in Southern Africa (Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) in 2022. Prior to his role with BMI, Lincoln received his education in Kharkiv, Ukraine, where BMI Vice President, Dr. Vitaliy Sorokun, personally mentored him. Under his influence, Lincoln responded to the call to full-time ministry. Since joining BMI, Lincoln has equipped local church leaders and led the mentorship multiplication movements in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Lincoln is also very active in Sustainable Medical Missions. He currently lives in Blantyre, Malawi, with his wife, Melisa.

Lincoln has been modeling the mentorship multiplication by currently mentoring two young pastors and one dynamic youth leader. He is also working on developing strong relationships with key pastors in Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe.

He also held a Seven Steps training to Baptist Pastors in a very poor region of Nkhotakota. Nkhotakota is one of the provinces with the highest Muslim population in Malawi. The majority of the pastors in that province have not received any pastoral training and most are leading either due to seniority or because they are the only ones who can read.
With the help of Yunus, one of the young men Lincoln is  mentoring, he held a two and half day training of the 7 Steps.

In Zambia, Lincoln also taught the 7 Steps to the leaders of the Evangelical Church of Zambia north, and he was invited to return in 2024.  In Blantyre, Malawi, he also taught the 7 Steps to some young, key
ministry leaders from various denominations. This was a unique setting as all these leaders had never received any ministry training and came from poor backgrounds where they could not afford to attend Bible schools.


Pastor Pascal Ndagijimana, Great Lakes Region (Rwanda, Uganda, Democratic of Congo):

Update in Pascal's own words:

"I am profoundly grateful to God for the precious gift of life and the opportunity to serve His purpose. Throughout this year, I had the privilege of traveling to Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and various regions within Rwanda to conduct BMI conferences.

In November 2023, a remarkable opportunity unfolded as I conducted training sessions for key Christian leaders representing 10 denominations in Kigali. Many of these leaders hold pivotal roles in their respective churches' discipleship ministries.

We've conducted successful Seven Steps conferences in local churches in Musanze and Gisenyi. Our ministry partners, including Gerald, Denis, William, Joel, and Bertin, have trained their leadership teams in the Seven Steps. The principles are now integrated and being taught at the Great Lakes School of Theology in Rwanda and DR Congo, as well as the Haven Bible School in Uganda. Our goal, outlined in the Five-Year Strategic Plan, is to expand this impact into more Bible schools and denominations.

Eleven leaders attended the 2023 BMI training event in Kigali, along with others who had attended BMI conferences in previous years. All 11 leaders from the previous year have actively participated in the mentorship multiplication movement and are consistently being followed up. The leaders who attended this year's training event have confirmed that they have already started using the materials and have identified individuals to begin mentoring.

In 2023, we conclude with 11 ministry partners, 14 mentors, and 35 proactive disciples. We've Introduced and integrated BMI materials to Great Lakes Evangelical School of Theology in Rwanda and Congo (GLEST), Melchizedek Bible School in Uganda, and Christian Leadership University in Kigali. Looking forward to expanding further in 2024, God willing."


Ev. (Evangelist) Joshua Magwesela, Tanzania:

Joshua Mussa Magwesela

Update in Joshua's own words:

"Through the ministry work at the church, God enabled me to do premarital counselling to 10 couples, share gospel message at 4 funerals, teach confirmation classes by which 50 people have received baptism and 21 people have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

I shall move to Nassa Theological College (NTC) as of January 2024 where I will be teaching and training students in ministry. I have taken this transfer an opportunity to continue the mentorship multiplication movement and to introduce Biblical Training and Mentorship Program.

Bishop Peter Kissena has done a 7 Steps conference to pastors in his diocese inviting Pastor Kioko Mwangangi from Kenya. The conference was attended by more than 70 pastors. I was had travelled to Nagaland when the conference happened.  

Bishop Magwesela and Ev. Esther Fumbuka have together organized mentorship classes for key pastors and women leaders in Mwanza, and they have continued to meet monthly for mentorship multiplication. They have trained about 15 leaders in the 7 Steps.  

Pastor Daniel Seni and I have been training 11 students from Calvin Theological College in the Seven Steps and Mentorship Multiplication Movement.

From September 12th-14th I trained 26 students at Geita Christian College (GCC) on the 7 Steps. During this time, I got to share with the Principal of GCC Pastor Dominic Mutua about Biblical Training and Mentorship Program.

I was at Nassa Theological College on the 16th – 18th November to train the students on the 7 Steps of Christian Living. Nassa is the highest institution in the AICT. I was able to train about 24 students at the college and together with the Principal, Rev. Alfred Ndaro we discussed also to train the faculty on the 7 Steps.     

Met with leaders of Bible colleges in Tanzania to introduce the BMI BTMP program for their seminary curriculum." 


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