Dr. Vitaliy Sorokun Messages about the War

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In July, Dr. Vitaliy Sorokun, Vice President of BMI,  had the privilege to speak at the Chapel in Akron, OH. It was a special opportunity for him to thank the church for their sacrificial support of the humanitarian relief work in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine – Vitaliy’s home region – during this war.

You can watch his sermon by following this link:


Also, in March, Vitaliy shared a message of gratitude at the Chapel in Green, OH. The sermon is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPfHfDSRD50…

In April ChooseLife radio recorded an interview with Vitaliy. This interview has been broadcast on over 700 radio stations across the USA. You can listen to the broadcast here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/…/Vitaliy…/a-a9suvms