Encountering Christ

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Encountering Christ Book and Conferences

Encountering Christ is a new book by Dr. Jonathan Burnham that consists of 17 chapters, dealing with 17 key topics of the Bible with a unique “Christological” or “Christo-centric” perspective. Jesus Christ, who is the unique dimension of Christianity, is approached as the scarlet thread that runs through all of Scripture, tying it together (Luke 24:27). So while the student reads through the themes chronologically, all of the doctrines will be based on the Person of Jesus Christ.

In the book, the Bible’s storyline is developed through time, and the first eight chapters of this book cover Old Testament history. Toward the end of each theme, there is a separate Christo-centric section that focuses on what the topic teaches about the Christ who was to come. The ninth chapter considers the intertestamental period. This is a unique chapter that contains valuable historical material that helps connect the Old and New Testaments. The final eight chapters, themes ten through seventeen, deal with New Testament themes. These chapters will not include a separate Christo-centric section since the entire subject matter is already directly focused on Jesus.

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