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DR. JONATHAN BURNHAM IN SE ASIA 2023: Jonathan spent 3 weeks in early 2023 throughout SE Asia. Bangkok, Thailand: Training a group from 4 SE Asia countries in his Encountering Christ book, an overview of the Bible from a Christocentric theology. The group pictured below completed the 3-year training cycle of training with Dr. Burnham.…


Ministry Under Way in Central America: DR. JONATHAN BURNHAM first visited Costa Rica several years ago, developing a friendship with Dr. Sadrac Mesa, a well respected Christian leader and scholar at ESEPA seminary in San Jose, Costa Rica. Last December, Dr. Mesa invited Jonathan to hold a special 7 Steps of Christian Living training event.…

Christmas in Nepal

Kathmandu, Nepal: CHRISTMAS IN KATHMANDU, NEPAL: BMI Regional Director Sonam Kabo, and his wife, Rita, hold special Christmas events each year for their church and community. Here is a video showing the gathering in their home for singing, food, and fellowship! They also visit any home where they are invited! (If you are on Facebook,…

247 Pastors and Leaders Trained in Rwanda!

East Africa 2018 Pastor Pascal works in partnership with Pastor Emmanuel Ndolimana, who is the BMI Africa Representative. Pastor Pascal recently became the new President of the Evangelical Baptist Churches of Rwanda. Both of these extraordinary men have been training BMI materials in many countries of Africa! Here is an excerpt from his recent email…

Dr. Jonathan Burnham Meets with African Seminary Leaders

NAIROBI, KENYA An exciting meeting took place in Nairobi, the largest city in Kenya! Leading theological university leaders from 5 different universities in Nairobi came together for a strategic conference planning possible partnerships with BMI. There were 2 representatives from each institution and all are highly educated, most with Ph.D’s. These dedicated Christian educators displayed…

Sonam and Rita Kabo Minister in the United Arab Emirates

Sonam and Rita Kabo, Minister in Many Cities in the UAE Rev. Sonam and Rita Kabo have the great opportunity to ministry and train Nepali Christians in various cities of the UAE.  There is a very large population of Nepalese citizens living and working in that country. Many are away from their families who they…