Training Opportunities in Navalparasi Region of Nepal
July 2016 – Sonam and Rita Kabo Travel to Navalparasi, Nepal
There are more than 75 house churches affiliated with the Christian Society of Navalparasi region, and they had a 10th Annual Meeting held at Yoyense Baptist Church in Sunwal, Navalparasi, on the 22nd and 23rd of July. Sonam Kabo was invited to preach the word of God for their spiritual nourishment and to introduce BTMP training courses to them. More than 100 pastors and leaders participated in this annual meeting.
After Sonam presented the BMI Biblical Training and Mentoring Program, the president, Pastor Navraj Pandey, of Navalparasi Christian Society, said that they desperately need such practical leadership training for their local church pastors and leaders in order to empower the body of Christ at large. Pastor Pandey, on behalf of the Christian Society, requested Sonam begin teaching BTMP later this year and continue next year. Leaders from over 75 Churches will be participating in this training!
Click on picture to enlarge:
- Meal with President Navraj Pandey
- Sonam Speaking
- Worship Time