Women’s Ministry 2022 Update

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BMI has incorporated women leaders into all of our conferences, including the Seven Steps of Christian Living and Encountering Christ.  Women want to know theology, and women want to learn how to mentor other women! Beyond this, we have designed a special program geared for women.  WMP, the Women’s Mentoring Program, consists of the 7 Steps, Encountering Christ, and 5 other training materials.  It is designed as a curriculum for women to learn through churches, community groups, one on one, and as seminary courses. The 5 training materials consist of:  Women’s Ministry, Small Group Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Living with Your Emotions, and Technology and the Family.

We have several women who are directing the ministry in their part of the world, Rita Kabo in Nepal, Nadya Morokhovets in Ukraine, and Dianna Naboychenko in Russia.  Faith Burnham is in the process of mentoring and training several other women. We encourage women in all walks of life to live the mentorship life.

Rita Kabo has been highly involved in developing women’s ministries in Nepal. She is one of the top Christian women’s leaders in the entire country and is a very effective trainer in women’s Bible studies, training events, even national days of prayer, educator conferences, and leadership gatherings in both Nepal and India. Rita and her husband, Sonam, also represent the Christians of Nepal before the government. They have even had discussions with the Vice President of Nepal regarding the rights of Christians in Nepal to worship.

The Global Nepali Speaking Christian Fellowship, which took place in November in India, was a unique event: for the first time in their history, GNCF had a woman speaker, and it was Rita! Rita powerfully spoke on the role of women in global ministry! She is also the principal of Elim Christian Academy, a Christian school for 200 children.

Nadya Morokhovets lived in Kharkiv, Ukraine, before the war.  Now she and her husband, Vitaliy, are refugees in western Ukraine. Vitaliy is the president of Kharkiv Bible College and also pastors a church. At the beginning of the war, Nadya and Vitaliy were supporting many church parishioners who were all taking shelter at the church – much of the time in the basement. Vitaliy risked his life for many weeks going out to find food for everyone amongst the bombings.  Their adult children begged them to flee to western Ukraine when the bombing increased, where it was no longer bearable. There, they found refuge, and to their surprise, great need to minister amongst other refugees!  Among the ashes of war, this has been a great joy! Vitaliy preaches to the people multiple times a week, and Nadya has had limitless opportunities to encourage women there and in many other areas of western Ukraine and even Kiev.  Please pray for them; the tragedy of war continues.

Dianna Naboychenko, wife of our Regional Director of Russia, has recently been focusing on developing women’s ministries training on discipleship in Russia. She personally trains women leaders in her regional Baptist association. She is also modeling it by personally mentoring young women. Dianna, in turn, is being mentored by BMI Women’s Ministries Director for Eastern Europe, Nadya Morokhovets.