Sonam and Rita Kabo Meet Vice President of Nepal
NEPAL: February 2019
Nepal recently passed legislation to outlaw the observance of a Christmas holiday in Nepal. However, Rev. Sonam Kabo, BMI Regional Director for S. Asia, his wife, Rita, and other Christian representatives continue to lobby the government that Christians in Nepal should be able to observe at least one day, the Christmas holiday, annually. Sonam and Rita are on the Board Committee of the Federation of National Christians of Nepal (FNCN). Together with the FNCN president, they were allowed to meet with the Vice President of Nepal to give him New Year’s greetings on behalf of the Christian community of Nepal and also, to remind him about the Christmas holiday. Sonam and Rita were welcomed into his office, and also, he also allowed them to pray for him! Please pray that the Nepal government will reinstate Christmas as a public holiday in Nepal! (pictured Rita with the Vice President of Nepal and Sonam speaking at an FNCN program.