Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland

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Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland 2018

In November 2018, Dr. Jonathan Burnham and Dr. Vitaly Sorokun traveled To Voronezh, Russia, to conduct a Seven Steps of Christian Living conference for pastors and district superintendents from different areas of Russia. The group was also able to Skype with Rev. Sonam Kabo, BMI Regional Director for South Asia.

FIRST OF ITS KIND MEETING:  Also in Russia, a group of prominent Russian businessmen met to discuss the BMI Marketplace Biblical Mentorship Program. This is designed to help the business population use their Christian faith in their places of work. They study the 7 Steps, Encountering Christ, Christian Leadership and Management, and Financial Stewardship! The future is exciting in this new area of ministry. Kerry Olin, Microsoft Executive and BMI Board Member, joined the group via Skype.

If you want to hear the beautiful singing of these Russian businessmen, click the video under these pictures!


After Russia, Jonathan and Vitaly traveled to Minsk, Belarus, to Minsk Theological Seminary (pictured below) to train pastors, seminary professors, and some top women leaders from Ukraine and Belarus in Encountering Christ, Part 1.  The group will meet next year for Part 2.  Dr. Vitaly Sorokun and Dr. Jonathan Burnham also met with leaders from Minsk Theological Seminary who have already gone through the BMI training as well as their own higher education. These leaders are dedicated to the proclamation of Christ-centered theology and want to adopt the BMI Biblical Training and Mentoring Program into the seminary!

Next, Jonathan and Vitaly traveled to Kiev, Ukraine, to Irpin Theological Seminary, where many of the top women leaders in the Ukrainian Baptist Union met to learn about the BMI programs and training for women’s ministries.  Sue Burnham and Faith Burnham had the privilege of Skyping with this wonderful group of dedicated and talented ladies! Irpin has adopted much of the BMI training materials into their curriculum, and Vitaly Sorokun travels regularly to teach there.  See these pictures and those of Vitaly’s trip as well below: